Friday, June 1, 2012

Head Count

This evening we hauled out the fifty pound bag of cotton seed meal to fertilize.  Of course, the bag offered no instructions as to how much each plant might require.  That's  because no one in their right mind fertilizes individual cotton plants. The Internet was of no help so Maryann and I settled for a quarter cup per plant.  We laid it out on the side of each plant, counting as we went.  The tally was 113 plants.  Two of which are not fairing well, having most likely been sat on by a dog or cat butt.  56.5% percent of the seeds we planted have managed to hold on, in various states of growth.  Given this failure rate, we will certainly plant more seeds next year.   Nevertheless, Maryann and I are pleased with the progress.

1 comment:

  1. I dont have cotton planted but I do have dog butt and puppy paws in several places of my flower garden. I realize how cool the freshly dug(by the puppy) ground must feel on these hot days. Allie looks so happy, so content I find it hard to fuss...after all she wanted to be close to me and cool all at the same time.
    If you could just teach Lilly and Frank to dig up the weeds(only) in your cotton patch I would pay rent for them to come to our house!
