Thursday, July 12, 2012

Few Thoughts

My Uncle Powell and Ms. Sylvia visited the same day as the rest of the family.  He was able to look at the crop and surmise that we most likely have 24D damage.  I probably didn't type that name correctly, but I do remember that's what he called it.  24D is a weed killer that can drift over a distance.  It is likely someone in the neighborhood sprayed their lawn or pasture and it headed our way.  Uncle Powell said the damage was indicated by leaves that appeared rubbery.  I'm grateful he sprayed an organic pesticide before he left.  This seemed to take care of whatever bug left a manure like substance all over several plants.  

It occurred to me later that the pesticide also killed our lovely lady bug population.  We were pretty intent on keeping those.  In fact, I  would rather control other pests with "good" bugs.  Besides lady bugs, we have to find out what those are.   I'm sure we can order insect eggs over the Internet.  They'll hatch in the garden and eat all those dreaded aphids. 

The wind has taken a toll on the plants.  God forbid is this were Oklahoma.  Our heirloom variety of cotton, Nankeen Brown, grows tall and proud.  This does not prove wind hardy.  Next season we will stake each plant with a stalk of bamboo to avoid losing any to the wind.  

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